



Fred is a multi-media Artist who works with  Still and Video Photography, Paints Oil, Water, Acrylics and also did metal sculptures in his younger days.


Fred started early in life taking pictures at the age of 8 his father gave him a Argus 35mm Camera 50mm lens with a rangefinder Fred started taking pictures right away.


Fred took pictures of everything people, landscapes, buildings and Coney Island where he lived. At the age of 10 Fred received an 8mm movie camera from his parents and again Fred started taking movies of everything.


In high school Fred was introduced to sculpture he worked in clay, stone and metal selling 2 of his metal sculptures to his teachers. Fred continued with his love for Photography and with a few friends they joining a local Photography club in his neighborhood learning how to process film and develop pictures.


While in Indianapolis Indiana in 1969 Fred was witness to a Gas station explosion he grab his Minolta 35mm camera with black and white film got on his Honda motor cycle an drove to the site of the explosions immediately he began taking pictures of the fireman entering the gas station then without notice a second explosions ripped through the building he watched as bleeding fireman picked themselves off the floor and ran back into the flames to save their buddies. The photos Fred shot that day ended up on the front page of the Indianapolis News Paper along with an article about Fred.


Fred continue to use his understanding of photograph and art thought-out his profession and businesses career In 1986 Fred went to work for Merrill Lynch, in the late 90 technology was changing on a daily basis personal PC where starting to change the world Fred embraced this change an started to explore how he could use the new technology to enhance his art. Starting with Photoshop he used technology to create a whole new world of imagery then Adobe Premiere came on the scene this change forever how he would edited video.


While still working for Merrill Lynch in New York City on September 11, 2001 Fred videoed the Terrorist attacked on the world trade center this video has never been seen by the public.(click to see video)


After retiring from Merrill Lynch in 2008 Fred had more free time to dedicate to the arts Fred began to paint and photograph on a daily basis.